Ben Fulford, August 9, 2010Last week the Japanese yakuza, at a secret meeting with the White Dragon Society, agreed to form an alliance with the white hats in the Pentagon and the world’s intelligence agencies. The aim is to find a new legal structure for the Yakuza to operate as a quasi-governmental organization by the time the head of the 50,000 man Yamaguchi Gumi syndicate comes out of prison next April. This means the Japanese military/police/yakuza/right-wing nexus will be fighting both excess Chinese influence and helping rid the West of the dark cabal within its body politic.One concrete move against the cabal will be an international legal battle over the rights to Michael Jackson
fs legacy. A senior White Dragon Society member believes the trail of responsibility for Jackson’s death will inevitably lead to a branch of the Rothschild family. Jackson had many friends in Japan and these people are out to get justice for him and his family.
The insurance taken out for Jackson in case his last concert tour was cancelled will lead the investigation to the Rothschilds, the source says.
The yakuza sub-contracted extensively for David Rockefeller as well as the Bush Nazi cabal and will be able to provide authorities with much detailed information about their activities once the new political arrangement is reached.The secretive committee, meanwhile, has now drawn up hundreds of arrest warrants for financiers and politicians throughout the West. The committee is still flushing out cabal members and will only make its move when enough of them have been identified to ensure the criminal syndicate behind the Federal Reserve Board is never again able to get secret control over the Western world.
A major operation run by former Fed boss Alan Greenspan is one of the key targets of the ongoing investigation involving intelligence agencies and secret societies world-wide. We will post details of this Greenspan operation on our free website in order to spread the news as far as possible. The trail, however, leads to Italy and certain Vatican factions.
The Pentagon and agency white-hats are waiting for the new financial system to be set up before making their public moves against the Obama puppet regime. The latest news on the new financial system is that Amero plan is being revived. This is why the Canadian dollar is being kept at parity with the US dollar while the Mexican peso/US dollar rate is being stabilized. As I may have mentioned before, this is why Dick Cheney and many others with inside knowledge are buying as many silver-backed Mexican bonds they can get their hands on. The Amero will be backed by precious metals this time and will not be a fiat currency as was envisioned by the original Amero plan.
There is still a lot of horse trading going on about a replacement for the 90% of US dollars that are now held by non-Americans. The G7 are still pushing for an IMF controlled, commodity-backed currency modeled on the Bancor proposed by Keynes in the 1940’s. The White Dragon Society and many of the world’s nations would rather create a new institution from scratch to take over the international dollar.
If agreement is not reached, there will be a competition between the yuan and the Amero for international trading currency status.
Meanwhile, there are now also powerful indications the Euro will not survive past next March. The Mediterranean countries like Italy need to devalue their currencies by 30% at least if they want to become competitive again against Germany and Northern Europe. That means they will have to leave the Euro. There is also serious talk about winding down the European Union and dismantling most of the Brussels bureaucracy. This is still not cast in stone but clearly the Euro will not be able to survive in its present form.
Sources in China, for their part, have provided the White Dragon Society with evidence that Chinese Premier Wen Jiaobao is involved with the Bush family and its CIA faction via his son
fs involvement in the Carlyle hedge fund. We are unable to independently verify this information and are wary of involvement in Chinese factional politics but nonetheless, we feel this issue needs to be investigated.
In Japan, the government of Prime Minister Naoto Kan is not expected to last more than a month. Power-broker Ozawa is maneuvering to oust him ASAP and either replace him personally or use his ally Kazuhiro Harachuchi. If so, he has probably reached a deal with the right-wing nexus to ensure he is not targeted again by prosecutors.
The right-wing nexus is still trying to create a new party to replace the now defunct Liberal Democratic Party. Their preferred vehicle now is Yoshimi Watanabe’s party.
“The nightmare is finally ending. ” – Fulford
United Nations, Alan Greenspan now implicated in $134.5 billion bond scandal
An international investigation of what is certain to be the largest financial fraud in history (involving at least $1 trillion) is now implicating former US Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan and UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, according to CIA, MI6, Opus Dei and Interpol sources.
This scandal at the heart of the secret world of global high finance made a brief entry into the public conscious in June, 2009 when two Japanese carrying $134.5 billion worth of government bonds were detained in Italy. The corporate propaganda media wrote about this incident before dismissing it by saying the “bonds were fraudulent.” These corporate so-called journalists failed to follow up on why the Japanese individuals, Watanabe and Yamaguchi, were carrying diplomatic passports. That meant their arrest was illegal and that the Italian authorities did not have the right to confiscate the bonds.
The Italian government tried to sell the bonds to the Chinese government at 40% of their face value but the Chinese said that if they bought the bonds the Italians would also then have to pay back their debts to China. The Italian authorities realized this would bankrupt Italy. Instead, the Italians then asked a Vatican Banker by the name of Daniele Dal Bosco to try to sell the bonds back to their original owners, an organization known as the Dragon Family, at 10% of their face value. The Dragon family refused to buy back their own bonds.
However, Dal Bosco, a member of the Monte Carlo P2 Freemason Lodge, was instead asked by a Dragon Family agent to act as custodian for an additional $1 trillion worth of bonds. These bonds are a combination of Kennedy Bonds, Federal Reserve Notes and Japanese government bonds that the Dragon family was trying to keep out of the hands of the Federal Reserve Board.
High ranking members of the United Nations then approached Dal Bosco and offered him $100 million to hand them the bonds. This transaction was stopped by White Dragon Society agents.
Dal Bosco then absconded with those bonds and turned to an organization known as the Office of International Treasury Control. Using the OITC name, Dal Bosco then tried to cash the bonds with the Vatican, the Italian government and, again, the United Nations.
However, an investigation of the OITC by international criminal authorities revealed the organization to be a sophisticated fraud. The nominal head of the OITC is a Cambodian of royal blood by the name of R.C. Dam. Mr. Dam was at one point recognized as having the nominal rights to a large pool of gold owned by the various royal families of the world. However, these rights have long since been rescinded and the OITC has for years now operated as a fraudulent organization.
UN Secretary Ban Ki Moon has been implicated because the OITC has defrauded at least three countries and an unknown number of individuals by claiming to have UN backing. The UN never, until the current investigation began, denied its affiliation with the OITC. Investigators are now awaiting a formal response from Ban Ki Moon because, they say, he personally tried to help Dal Bosco cash the bonds. The UN, the BIS and the Federal Reserve Board all now say the OITC is a fraud.
Investigators in the US and the UK have now confirmed the two Japanese were fooled by a group headed by Alan Greenspan into bringing the bonds from Italy to Switzerland. Greenspan’s cabal was planning from the very beginning to seize the bonds and cash them.
Many of these bonds are linked to the attempt by former US President John Kennedy to return the money creating powers of the privately owned Federal Reserve Board to the American people. The Feds attempt to get their hands on these bonds and cash them was blocked by an international team of investigators including members of the Japanese Security Police, MI6, the CIA, Interpol, other government agencies and various secret societies including MJ12, the White Dragon Society and certain Freemason groups.
The Vatican is now denying any link to Del Bosco and a representative of Opus Dei told an investigator affiliated with the White Dragon Society that “we will get the bonds back for you but do not ask about what happens to Del Bosco.” Dal Bosco is now believed to be hiding somethere in Italy, probably the town of Negrar outside of Verona.
There is a large international meeting scheduled in Washington at the end of this month to deal with ongoing financial war these bonds are an integral part of. It is looking very much like the end game for the Federal Reserve Board and their puppets in Washington D.C. The nightmare is finally ending.
“The nightmare is finally ending. ”– Fulford | United Nations, Alan Greenspan now implicated in $134.5 billion bond scandal